HD, single-channel-video, color, sound, 3:50 min
Hanna Schaich’s »taking over« breaks with the childlike desire for an eternal summer day – the constant waiting for the ringing of the ice cream man. In the cool darkness of a garage somewhere in New York City, we meet him again. Strung between rundown, pastel yellow and green walls they are – the ice cream trucks in shiny turquoise and magenta. These images remind us of the motifs of American Pop Art: gaudy detailed views of everyday objects. But not as an idealized vision. The ice cream man shows no smile. Sometimes, between a shrill horn, the sound of the ventilation system and the overflowing garbage cans, the desire, associated with the trucks and ice cream, gets lost. Harshly pulled back into the past. Back to the place from which it tried to take over: a childlike self that is already gone.
Text: Ulrike Schulz
Music: Obtane (Orphx Remix)