Hallo! 6 o’clock rock it was for me. Weirdly I only wake up that early, when I don’t have to. But today it was good, holiday today and so I walked the morning on empty roads away. Besides of thinking about, if I should do the Gabelstaplerführerschein – don’t know if it’s connected to my construction side cut and the underrepresentation of women, actually I was the one and only OR just to my need to drive or move something. To be found out, but hey: artist-lifeguard-fork lift trucker, sounds not that bad actually. To be discussed! Besides of getting kind of grossed out by the (not only sound of the) Kröten in Treptower, well I am more into fluffy things, I made a Dog friend called Rocky and then started to celebrate. Men(sday)? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Celebrating the B-Day of one of my Childhood Heroines. So Happy B-Day Pippilotta Viktualia Rullgardina Krusmynta Efraimsdotter Långstrump or Pippilotta Viktualia Rollgardina Pfefferminz Efraimstochter Langstrumpf!!!!!!!
I guess a thanks to my mum for letting me grow up with that amazing role-model Pippilotta! This strong little girrl encouraged and inspired me a lot. I now probably can reflect better, but hey I mean a little anarchist she was. Her rebellious and non-conformist behaviour and the handling of authorities. Fuck yeah. Also how much fun and freedom she had. Always wanted to have a horse and “knowing” her, I argued a lot to get one, well APT friendly a horse is not, but that I wouldn’t believe back in the days. I hope those strong independent girls will increase and take over (not only!!!!!) in children books. Choosing what you want to do and that everything is possible as a girl without getting boxed into role cliches. So today is to all the strong girls/Pippilottas out there, make the world as you like it!
Me for myself I will continue singing the song: 2 x 3 macht 4 - Widdewiddewitt und 3 macht 9e!
Ich mach' mir die Welt - widdewidde wie sie mir gefällt … will try not to touch the floor, cut spaghettis with scissors and will imagine I have a a monkey, a horse and a suitcase full of golden coins...
Love, x yours hanna